Monday 27 November 2006

Good J-POP/J-ROCK groups that I like/recently got into

I'm bored. So I decided to post this. ^^
High and Mighty Colour
Comments: This is one of the groups that I listen to the most now! ^^ They did "Pride" from Gundam SEED Destiny and "Ichirin no Hana" from Bleach. They are really good!! I really love this one song by them, called "Style ~Get glory in his hand~". It's really good! It's like this one time when I was hooked on "Sakura DROPPUSU" and "dareka no negai ga kanau koro" by Hikaru Utada. They all got stuck in my head.

I really like this group!! I first listend to one of their songs "Hikari" on Karaoke Machi, a Karaoke site which I think is still down...:( anyway, I started listening to more of their songs and I started listening a lot to them. "Pretty Queen", "Movie Star" and most of their other ones are all excellent. I don't end up skipping any of their songs (I do this sometimes with L'arc ~en~ Ciel). Please give this group a listen!!

Hikaru Utada
The first time I ever listened to J-POP, I listened to Hikki. Now I'm hooked. So Hikki has got to be really good, to get a Westerner with very few Japanese relatives hooked on Japanese music, right? Well, if you thought she was really good, you would be right! I like almost all of her songs ("First Love", one of her singles, I never really liked that much.) But, some of her newer songs are really good. "Travelling" one of her older songs is really good! I also liked "Passion/Sanctuary", as do lots of Kingdom Hearts fans. One of her albums, "Exodus" wasn't that good though...

Ayumi Hamasaki
I first listened to her when I listened to "Dearest" from InuYasha. I like some of her songs, but not all. Some of her remixes are not that good. But "Blue Bird" one of her newer singles did really good on the Oricon!! I have that tune stuck in my head.

I first heard her singing when she sang "Life" for Bleach. I didn't appreciate it at the time, untill I heard "Rolling Star", the newest Opening for Bleach. Now I'm a fan of her. I first thought she was Yui Horie (Person who played Tohru Honda in Fruits Basket) but now I realized they're different people...-_-;;

And that's all I have to say for now~bai bai and oyasumi nasai~

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